Own branded products
We commercialize our own range of products based on our unique technology platforms
As a result of our long-term investment in R&D, our scientific and clinical know-how, and our experience in designing innovative medical devices in partnership with the industry leaders, we have been able to develop a pipeline of own branded products. We will continue to build on our MedTech expertize in biopolymers to expand our pipeline, and to design more innovative products for multiple medical indications.
Dermal regeneration template
Collagen-based bone substitute
Absorbable hemostatic pad for surgery
Quality, Safety, and Compliance
SYMATESE Medical devices are designed and manufactured in compliance with all international regulatory requirements for commercialisation on global markets.
We develop premium quality products to delight heathcare practitioners, and to ensure the highest level of safety, comfort, and trust for patients.
Distribution Policy
With all our products being CE marked, we are rapidly expanding our distribution network in EU and worldwide, in partnership with our distribution partners.
We build with our distribution partners a trustful, successful and long-term relationship. Our teams are committed to provide optimal support in key activities to achieve success, including regulatory and clinical affairs, marketing and sales.
If you are interested in developing a product distribution partnership, please contact us.