We transform a large variety of biopolymers that are used in many medical areas
For more than 30 years, biopolymers have been at the center of SYMATESE LAB expertise
In many medical fields, polymers of natural origin are the “gold-standard” for the design of customized medical solutions and biomaterials. Every medical field can benefit from biopolymers.
SYMATESE LAB is specialized in the extraction and transformation of bovine collagen and cross-linked hyaluronic acid but focusses also on other biopolymers to obtain efficient and innovative medical devices:
- Alginate or alginic salts
- Cellulose
- Chitosan
- Ultra-pure Gelatin
- Agarose
- Other glycosaminoglycans and Polysaccharides

SYMATESE has a fully mastered organisation, from collagen extraction to purification.
SYMATESE LAB has a comprehensive portfolio of medical grade collagen raw material, in particular of bovine collagen type I, as well as from other origins, such as those used in R&D programs at Universities, Pharma and Medtech companies.